Shropshire Star

Letter: Remain group must accept there will be no second vote

Whose side are you on, J A Ashcroft (letters, August 1)? You suggest that, in the event of a second referendum, we Leavers should boycott it, disrupt the voting procedure and involve ourselves in a campaign of civil disobedience.


Another referendum is unlikely because the Remainers now know that they are a minority faction and are not likely to risk further humiliation, but if there was one, your suggestions, if followed, would play straight into their hands.

I agree with you that forces are at work to overthrow the result and it is clear that heels are being resolutely dragged by those charged with implementing our withdrawal. There must be some very big prizes to be gained by the delay when you consider that our membership fees since June 24 have already topped £1,000,000,000 and, if allowed to continue, will soon be enough to pay cash for Hinkley Point and HS2 with some left over for Trident. That is if we want to spend it that way.

Personally I would prefer to see it used on a fully staffed and efficient NHS, a criminal justice system that can deal with criminals, a restoration of a host of services which have been cut and the elimination of our debts.

It seems unlikely that the EU will spend much of it in the UK now that they know we intend to leave. More likely, what is not spent on red tape will go toward propping up near-bankrupt member states whose populace will not accept austerity measures and who retire on pensions years younger that we do. I don't see why we can't just get out and do the deals afterwards. What have we got to lose?

But please, don't advise Leavers not to vote or to disrupt the vote. We are a majority which will almost certainly increase when people who were put off by the fears generated during the campaign realise that such scares were unfounded. We are not underdogs who have to resort to shady tactics; we are winners!

There will have to be a general election during the next four years and, if things are not right by then, that will be our opportunity to get out of the EU for good.

John Belcher, Madeley

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