Shropshire Star

Letter: Sort out the car parking in Shifnal

Now is the time for Shropshire Council and Shifnal Town Council to get car parking in the town sorted out.


I refer to the article in the Shropshire Star dated October 24 – 'Crackdown on cars in street' – outlining Network Rail's proposals to stop parking along the station access road deemed a safety risk.

Back in November 2015 and February 2016 I suggested that the vacant land next to the telephone exchange in Aston Street should be purchased by the council (asking price £150,000) and would be ideal for badly-needed additional parking spaces, additional to the car park, but no, a planning application (Ref No 16/00329/FUL) was submitted for five dwellings.

I strongly objected and now understand that this planning application was sensibly refused.

Now there is an opportunity, in view of Network Rail actions, for the Shropshire Council and Shifnal Town Council to acquire this still vacant land.

Otherwise the existing car parking in Shifnal, already overstretched will be jeopardized by parking by station users.

Come on Shropshire Council spend some of the S106 and CIL money you are sitting on.

Peter Hassall, Shifnal

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