Shropshire Star

Letter: Play to our strengths and not get out the begging bowl in exit deal

Given Prime Minister Theresa May's stated objectives she should, when serving notice to leave under the Article 50 procedure, tell the European Commission that, whilst we are determined to sever all other formal ties with the European Union, if the member states wish to continue trading with us on the present basis the choice is theirs.


As things stand the terms of trade between the UK and the EU are those that have been previously unanimously agreed by all concerned so why open a veritable can of worms by seeking to re-negotiate them?

If the 27 other EU member states consider this proposition unacceptable then we would find ourselves dealing with them on World Trade Organisation terms. As this is probably where we shall end up anyway why waste two years negotiating, especially because, with the EU, nothing is ever agreed until everything is agreed?

By precipitating an early decision on our future relationship with the EU we would, at a stroke, end the debilitating uncertainty and save the British taxpayer literally billions of pounds in future contributions.

Putting ourselves in the position of supplicant at the EU's table by seeking to negotiate 'the best possible deal' weakens our negotiating hand and demeans our great nation – better by far to play to our strength as their best customer and call their bluff.

In my opinion this would be entirely consistent with the PM's avowed aspirations.

Christopher Gill, Bridgnorth

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