Age has link to cynicism
Age and cynicism would appear to be linked; judging from Star Mail.
Allow me, for the present at least, to recant. Many of the things I observed and commented on previously pale into insignificance. The 21st century is well under way and millions of people in Africa (and elsewhere) are starving and suffering from pestilence. Yet we complain, moan and bleat about things that really have little importance.
I admit that I can only form a judgement on the information I am allowed to receive. I think that human life is a little more important than travelling at three miles per hour above the speed limit. Perhaps we should be more aware of our actions and suffer commensurate with the misdemeanours we commit.
If food distribution is a problem; why are we and other First World countries not sending aid? Donations are all well and good but by the time steering groups, think tanks and management committees have all been put into place; three quarters of the money has gone. Geldof had the right idea. No doubt some informed Christian will tell us that it’s all God’s will and that the land of milk and honey isn’t far away. Pain and suffering is closer!.
Andy Chetwood, Dawley