Shropshire Star

Letter: Turn round UK decline

I still cannot fathom the minds of those who do not understand the EU and who wish to continue to to be dominated by this unelected and undemocratic regime.


To try to simplify the decline of the United Kingdom after nigh on 40 years being part of this expensive mistake, just look around for yourselves.

The countryside is awash with litter, the surfaces of just about everything are daubed with meaningless graffiti, pavements and pedestrian areas are covered in discarded chewing gum and cigarette ends, vandalism and anti-social behaviour is ever on the increase. The appalling state of so many of our roads – these are just a very few of the ways where our country has declined whilst in the EU.

Now with Brexit we have the opportunity of determining our own path, overseen by our elected government, something that has not been possible for far too long.

Whatever figures people may come up with, our membership of this cash-guzzling monster, according to a number of experts, has been in the order of £400 billion.

As I say, what benefit has it been to us when you see the decline that has taken place over these last decades?

We now have the chance to use that membership fee to turn around the decline that has been allowed to take place whilst as a member of this failed experiment.

Peter Harman, Tibberton

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