Driving me round the bend
Firstly, as an aside, I see that few objections were received concerning the sale of our municipal pitch and putt site. No wonder, when we see what is happening with the Quarry Pool. The council is not interested in our opinions, it made up its mind long ago about what it wished to do with our pool and it is merely ticking boxes. No doubt the site will be sold for yet more houses, none of which my children will be able to afford. I
Now to Ottley Road, what an absolute disgrace. A brand new road was laid and then allowed to be dug up time and time again without re-instatement, just messy inadequate patching. For some reason this road requires four sets of traffic lights, a crossing, lights at the garden centre, lights at the football ground and then the island lights. I don't see any other housing developments requiring lights, they get islands. The ridiculous speed bumps, which are not needed at present, have not been reduced or preferably removed, instead a speed limit of 20mph has been imposed on a major thoroughfare. We don't even have 20mph on our estate roads where children are playing. I also see that a permanent 30mph limit is being imposed, is this really necessary?
Finally, the Meole Brace roundabout and retail park. We all know that the retail park needs a second entrance. If two are justified for Shrewsbury Business Park how can one be deemed sufficient for a large (getting larger) retail park with a supermarket and park and ride? A third lane is not going to solve anything. Also, it would be sensible, whilst work is being carried out, to add a footpath from Ottley Road down the side of TK Maxx, as this is the route most people coming from this end use. Presumably we do wish to encourage people to walk.
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