If charisma has led to austerity than I am happy to go without
A lady said she would not vote for Corbyn as he didn’t have any charisma! If charisma has given us six years of austerity and the hardship it has brought then I can live without it.
I want a politician who speaks plain and simple. The austerity imposed to supposedly to clear our national debt has failed miserably and the debt continues to grow – last year £1.5 trillion, this year £1.73tn.
All that has been achieved is a widening of wealth gap between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’. How May continues to be popular is a mystery to me. She was a Remainer then saw where her best interests lay and became a Leaver. Stated emphatically many times there would not be a general election. Seems unable to give straight answers to questions, and continually fills the gap with her mantra of ‘strong and stable’, but obviously does not feel strong enough to take part in an open debate with other party leaders.
The NHS has been brought to its knees, private companies and American ones are closing in in anticipation of its collapse. They are planning to spend millions on reintroducing grammar schools while some schools are sending out letters to parents asking them to donate monthly to help their finances.
Triple lock on pensions under threat, social services, fire service, police, you name it. Those at the top are not affected by any of this, they live in a different world. If any of this rings a bell and you would like to change it then you have the opportunity coming up soon a simple cross is all that is needed.
Terry Hillier, Four Crosses