We must urgently set a date for speed limiters to end road deaths
Princess Diana: the People’s Princess, and the most photographed woman in the world; a smile like no other; on a planet like no other.
And, from aids to landmines, she’s saved millions of lives.
She’s also a road crash victim, and since her death, more than 25 million men, women, and children have been killed in road crashes.
Not to mention deaths from exhaust fumes.
Given man’s ingenuity, the United States has approved a treatment which re-designs a patient’s immune system to attack cancer. Also, in the new Forth road bridge, the UK has ‘the best bridge in the world’.
Furthermore, a hand held device has been designed to detect concussion from saliva.
It can be used in boxing, rugby, in the playground, on the battlefield, and indeed in the ‘war on our roads’.
If it makes sense, to use hand-held devices to detect concussion in children and cyclists who’ve been hit by motor vehicles, it would be nothing short of insane not to use speed limiters to stop drivers breaking speed limits – prevention is better than cure.
With speed limiters, we’d still have Diana, and William and Harry would still have a mother.
If we can have a target date to end the production of petrol fuelled cars, (to save the planet), given that it’s over 100 hundred years since the death of pedestrian Bridget Driscoll in 1896 – the United Kingdom’s’s first road crash victim – why haven’t we got a target date for ending road death?
In car dependency: we buy more than we need; eat more than we need; put on more weight than the body and the NHS can manage, and create more pollution and trash than the planet can cope with.
Sadly, we can’t survive without cars, but we can survive without speeding drivers.
Not to, is surely speeding towards Carmaggedon.
Allan Ramsay, Radcliffe