Shropshire Star

Represent voting public, not the party

We are so lucky to live in the beautiful county of Shropshire. It is the largest inland county in England with the most road miles. We have five MPs. We have had deep cuts in education, police, fire, public transport and health, all of our MPs voted with the Government for those cuts.


Take the health cuts for example, they denied that they were happening, now we could lose the accident emergency and the children’s services in the Princess Royal, maternity in other places and surgery cuts. It beggars belief that when these services are fully stretched in two hospitals just how will we cope with one?

Our MPs have it in their power to do something about this. Firstly you have to remember that you are supposed to represent the voting public that supported you not the party you represent. Stand up for Shropshire – if you feel you can’t do it alone do it together as a group. Look what the Irish have just had by working together, Shropshire just wants a small slice of that cake. If you still feel you can't do this, then stand aside and let somebody with a bit more loyalty to the voting public stand up for us.

At this present moment all we are seeing diversion politics such as poor train services etc. The poor train services is also down to your party in the form of railway privatisation. Your party somehow managed to con the British public that somehow Gordon Brown and the Labour party caused a world-wide recession. Well Labour are not in power now, you are, and you really need to stand up and be counted. You are happy to take the salary, now represent us, the voting public, not the party.

We deserve better. Just how many accident casualties will find themselves outside the golden hour?

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