Shropshire Star

There are no benefits

What still puzzles me, other than the prolonged attempt to extricate ourselves from the corruption that is the EU, is the continued reluctance of the Remainers to accept that a democratic vote means that at last we can determine our own future, free of interference from those unelected bureaucrats in Brussels/Stuttgart, our UK again governed by our elected government.

The EU

I defy the Remainers to convince me, that being a member of the failing EU has any advantages whatsoever.

After all that has been written about the problems that have arisen within our country after 40 years of no benefit to the UK, how can they possibly believe that remaining in the EU can still be a good idea?

Does not the reality that wWe will be able to use the £50 million daily extorted to address so many of the issues that have arisen because the EU is not interested in our problems, only the money that they take from us.

Also it is highly probable that when some of the other members become aware of how it benefits us being free of this monster, they will be queuing up to leave.

So, all you Remainers, what are your reasons for wanting to stay? It cannot be for any benefits as there are none.

Peter Harman
