Our exit from the EU will mean we can stand on our own two feet again
Since my last letter asking for any benefits to being in the EU only one correspondent has written, albeit anonymously, claiming something to do with “economic benefits” admirably responded to by Mr Bob Wydell’s recent letter.
Now we have another “name and address supplied”, Star November 6, with the usual pessimistic jargon about doom and gloom for daring to leave this failed union and looking into his “crystal ball” and foretelling all sorts of dire consequences.
The Common Market that we joined, and subsequently agreed to remain in after a referendum, evolved into the EU, but we were dragged in so deeply and surreptitiously and with no referendum this time, and we find our country now ruled partly by people we do not even know and certainly never elected.
Surely when you join a club, whatever it may entail, you should establish if you can afford the cost of membership.
Membership of the EU has meant for a great many people cuts to so many vital services just to pay the exorbitant cost of membership.
The EU then insult us by returning some of this money and you will see posters on sites stating “ This project is partly funded by the European Regional Development Fund". The insult is, it is entirely funded by the UK taxpayer.
In the Shropshire Star on September 13, we see the statement that our government is to replace EU funding; not a problem when we can use the 50 million daily that is largely wasted by EU bureaucracy.
Again in the Shropshire Star, on September 14, Britain, according to Junker will soon regret voting for Brexit and the EU will move on, obviously much more slowly without our billions of pounds to bail them out.
What he should worry about is still being able to export one in seven of German cars to the UK. The German car industry is worried, and so they should be as they sell more to us than any other country. That is providing they can live down the emissions scandal!
It would be well to remember that not only was this United Kingdom the richest nation on the planet but also the most powerful. Now not anymore, I know, but we will improve our position in the world when we again stand on our own two feet.
Peter Harman, Newport