Why is Nigel Farage sidelined on Brexit?
In 1973 Edward Heath, our Prime Minister, lied to us and took us into the Common Market.
Six hundred plus MPs and around a thousand peers surrendered to their natural instincts for easy money and went along with it.
Forty four years on and this venture has proved to be the worst economical, political and expensive decision the country has ever made, we – the public – sat down and said nothing.
One man did not – Nigel Farage recognised the total injustice of it all and worked tirelessly to organise a way out.
He was the man who provided the unexpected referendum and we ‘leavers’ are the unexpected majority who gave him the result he wanted – Brexit.
Nigel Farage, the only Briton capable of putting the fear of God into the unelected elite in Brussels. The man who had the vision of Brexit, who worked towards it for many years, the man who taught us what a political, undemocratic sham the EU is.
Surprisingly he is not leading the Brexit negotiations – actually he is not even part of the Brexit negotiations – why? Why? Why?
Why has he been sidelined by the establishment, the Commons and the Lords whose maxim is ‘once you get your fingers into the public purse you are set for life’?
My paper today asks “where is a Churchill when we need him most?”. Unfortunately there isn’t one but we do seem to have an abundance of Lord Haw Haws around – I can name 11 in the Commons.
Bob Wydell, Oswestry