Let’s enjoy God’s gift of hope, the greatest present of all time
Yet another letter from Paul Pearson seeking to debunk biblical truth. He asks many questions but never takes any notice of answers given by Christians in good faith. By the same token he never answers any of the profound questions that have been put to him over a number of years.
He mentions Darwin’s observations of natural selection in the Galapagos finches. Natural selection is not evolution. It selects from what is already there.
The cactus finches mentioned are finches, they started as finches and finished as finches. Evolution? I don’t think so. Natural selection? Of course! Incidentally, Darwin built on his grandfather’s ideas, they were not his. He merely added a narrative. He makes claims about the kind of god he thinks the God of the Bible should be, and in his latest letter dated December 20 20.12.2017 claims that hundreds if not thousands of gods have been invented throughout history. Where did men get the idea of a god from?
Not from evolution, or natural selection, or the corruption of a gene. It is because men and women are created in the image of God as He tells us in Genesis, but that image has been corrupted by man’s rebellion against Him. I am not aware of any evolutionist claiming that chimps worship gods.
The God of the Bible gave His Son to die on a cruel cross, having lived a perfect life so that He could understand and have compassion on human life, and yet paid the penalty for human rebellion against His Father. What compassion, what mercy, what grace shown to those who will believe in Him. No human mind could possibly conceive of such a gift or plan.
No human gift that was given this Christmas can compare with God’s free gift of to us.
I commend this wonderful gift to your readers. It is God’s free gift, giving us hope, a meaning to life and in this country among many others, a local church to belong to where encouragement, friendship, and support in this life can be found.
May I wish you, your staff and your readers a very Happy Christmas and New Year.
David Burton, Calverhall