Shropshire Star

As the doctors and landlords bail out, will Brexit sink us all?

It used to be that the problem was immigration; too many people coming into the country.

One in five doctors of EU origin is thinking of leaving the EU because of Brexit

Now it’s migration; too many people leaving the country.

One in five doctors of EU origin is thinking of going back. One thousand city lawyers have registered to practice in Ireland.

I am of the opinion that politicians seek the quick fix. A short term solution to appease the voter but in reality a long term disaster.

As soon as the ink was dry on the last EU deal and the cheering slowly subsided a bit of hard thinking, or even thinking, revealed that we had promised some £39 billion plus not as an EU solution, but as the fee to sit at the poker table.

Ah ha! Now the “negotiation” would begin in which we would strike a hard but fair deal. Oh really? According to Mr Barnier we have just signed away most of our banking business. A business equivalent to half the cost of the NHS.

And that is just the beginning. Next a few giveaways on cars and the like that will suit the EU. Then the terms for paying back the £39 billion. If we look at Greece, and I can only do this for very short periods, we see payday loans of horrific proportions, and I can only see a repeat. A situation where we just about manage the interest on the capital. No one wants to look further.

Another example is the mystery of our stagnant growth. We were the fastest growing country in the G7, now the slowest. No one knows why. What has changed? Well it’s all down to private sector landlords.

The government is always looking for revenue around the edges. A quick tax that upsets the fewest people. But what is happening is that landlords are just bailing out. Extra stamp duty. A change in taxation from tax on profit to tax on revenue. Then Universal Credit says we will pay the drug addict housing allowance direct and he will learn to balance his sums and not spend the rent on heroin.

No surprises the number of private sector landlords taking on people on these terms is shrinking rapidly. What happens to them now?

It’s all short-sighted. This is what happened to Shropshire. No one was really bothered about our specific and unique needs. No-one wanted to talk about it and no-one cared. The powers that be were arranging deckchairs on the Titanic.

My thoughts are that it’s not really about Corbyn or May or Johnson or Gove. It’s about a system that hothouses such people. Degrees in the classics and a narrow view of life that cuts out the business man, the pub owner and shop keeper. After all look back to the Blair days. “We are with you on this George”. A massive show of self aggrandisement. It all has to change.

I bought the Guardian and the lady in the Co-op gave me a long look saying “So you see it at last”. Insight is not the only prerogative of the Oxbridge set it seems. One thing is for sure when I start reading the Guardian and even worse agreeing with it we really are in trouble.

Robin Lloyd
