Shropshire Star

Do footballers really warrant a Queen's ransom for a day of sport? It's time to introduce a maximum wage

Much ado is made about the down and outs shivering in Winter's cold.

For kicking a ball around a stadium and spitting, do footballers really warrant a Queens' ransom for a day's sport?

There will always be down and outs, whether-self inflicted or otherwise, and the food banks grow daily.

This is, of course, deplorable, but inevitable in a society which has lost all reason and sense of values.

Great store is set upon the minimum working wage, totally inadequate when prices rise as rapidly as mayfly in season, and the super stores belch their bloated way to prosperity.

Has anyone ever thought about setting a maximum wage?

Politicians who bleat like the lost sheep they are, get more than they need and then have the audacity to claim expenses for a box of tissues when they have a cold! Add to this, when pensionable, they get a fuel allowance which, no doubt, goes towards another magnum of champagne or two.

And as to footballers, well here we enter the realms of obscenity.

I am aware that the majority of the British public need their "fix" every week, just as the citizens of Rome enjoyed the spectacle of Christians being thrown to the lions, but for kicking a ball around a stadium and spitting, do they really warrant a Queens' ransom for a day's sport?

Come off it! We are living in one vast asylum!

B Mawdesley
