Newport Innovation Park: Where will all those extra cars go?
The article of January 1 in the Shropshire Star, regarding Newport's new Innovation Park, made interesting reading.
T&W Council leader Shaun Davies said that the project would create almost 1,000 jobs for the town.
Also, that many of the people attracted to the town will be shopping on Newport High Street and living in the town's new houses.
He omitted to say where the people would be parking when shopping in the town as the present car parks are already full from early in the day.
If the Innovation Park off the A518 is to create 950 jobs, that will equate to almost half a million traffic movements per year, allowing two journeys per day.
Obviously, these journeys will not all be through the town centre but they will be in the general Newport area.
It was also stated that Newport's roads will see an overhaul. Speed limits could be extended, weight limits added and new one-way systems introduced on 10 roads.
Will these measures be enough to deal with the additional volume of traffic envisaged? Again, there is no mention made of additional car parking spaces.
This seems to be another example of Telford and Wrekin Council's lack of joined-up thinking about the infrastructure, e.g. doctor's surgeries, schools, car parking etc., when creating new homes and job opportunities.
J W Simmons