Time to fill in tunnel under the Channel
Twenty-seven EU member countries are happily robbing Britain on a daily basis before Brexit and now France demands a further £45 million to pay for border controls in Calais.
One must ask why France, a country twice the size of Britain and supposedly richer with a superior economy is not a greater immigration target than we are and why the immigrants, and France, ignore the 'Stay in the first western country you teach' rule! Why they would rather stay months in a dirty, dangerous, unhygienic foul-smelling transit camp in Calais rather than request permission to stay in France? They must be aware of our 'whinging remainers' prophesy of Britain's future after Brexit, no food, no jobs, no friends etc. yet they risk life and limb to reach this island rather than remain in France!
Regarding the latest demand of £45 million, Britain should promise France and the rest of the EU everything they wish - in time! Give them nothing now because I believe that it is extremely unlikely that the EU will survive more than two years without the 'ever open' British purse! Some fool in government proposed building a second Channel tunnel - a better idea would be to fill in the first one!
Bob Wydell