Shropshire Star

It’s now time to stop plugging all the pointless electric vehicles

The recent news item about the Government suggesting electric cars are the answer would be laughable if it was not so tragic.


Personally I do not believe all the hype about global warming, the climate of this planet has always been changing – sometimes quite quickly.

In the 1700s there was a mini ice age which caused lots of food shortages worldwide.

Of course there is more CO2 and the world population is greater than it has ever been, but no-one suggests cutting the global population.

Manufacturing everything in Asia and then shipping it across the world adds to the global pollution but the economists tell us not to worry as it is cheap. Wasteful HS2 will see all the meaningful jobs moved to London, along with the destruction of thousands of acres of countryside.

Mass use of electric battery vehicles would pose a massive problem, they are impractical for long distance. Recently it was one manufacturer claimed to have resolved the range problem and said they could now do 100 miles on a single charge. Hardly practical if travelling from Devon or the Midlands to Scotland.

Nuclear power leaves behind massive pollution/security problems for centuries. Wind power can help but is not dependable as we sometimes have days and nights with no wind. In addition solar cells are not that efficient so we would need to build a lot of coal-fired power stations just like China which currently opens a new coal fired power station every week for their expanding industries.

The same Government calling for more power is also the Government which closed the pits although there is 300 years of coal stocks left. Greece is continuing to use coal as it cannot afford the alternative.

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