Shropshire Star

Not enough parking spaces at hospital for poor nurses

My daughter is in her first year of her adult nurse degree at Staffordshire University on the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital campus.

Last updated
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital

She is currently on placement - these take up the majority of the time, but also attends university for some of the year.

She has paid for an annual parking permit to park on the staff care park area.

However, trying to park on here is virtually impossible when my daughter arrives early in the morning happy and keen to get to work on her ward placement.

Recently, after a long 12 hour unpaid shift - student nurses are not paid to train anymore, (the NHS bursary stopped August 2017 for new students) she arrived at her car to discover a parking ticket had been 'slapped' on her window screen.

Unable to find a parking space that morning on the staff car park, she had no choice but to park on the visitors car park - 'either that, or turn around and go home' she thought.

Her father and I were appalled and feel very let down when she told us this.

Not only is she working a demanding 12 hour shift without pay, studying too, but now she has the stress of worrying if she cannot get a parking space on the staff car park that morning, will she arrive at her car and be greeted with another parking ticket.

Needless to say she made it home a very tired, fed up student nurse who felt like quitting.

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