Shropshire Star

Not surprised by reporting of jobless rise

I was disappointed but not at all surprised to read that the number of unemployed had increased yet again (Shropshire Star, February 22). And of course it should be noted that the Job Centre data substantially underestimates the true level of unemployment for it excludes the following:-

The Job Centre
  • Those excluded on some technicality (such as missing an appointment since the bus was late)

  • Those with casual and agency jobs but no work

  • Those with work on one day a week

  • Those who turn up for work and are locked out by security men

It also does not describe the appalling level of underemployment and overskilling in Shropshire. I have come across the following in the past few years:-

  • Research scientist with a PhD working as a hotel cleaner

  • Airline pilot stacking shelves in a supermarket

  • IT expert milking cows

The job centres clearly know there is a serious problem, for a few years ago when I was unemployed for a short time and went on one of their compulsory courses I was told there were only the three c's in Shropshire, cleaning, caring and catering. The real extent of the problem is bring covered up largely as a result of the following powerful groups wishing to hide it:-

  • The ruling politicians

  • The education and training industry who are keen to train and train even when there are no jobs

  • Regeneration bureaucrats and business leaders who persist in painting a rose tinted view of what is happening

As it is the old Shropshire rhyme has been transformed by today’s young to read Shropshire born and Shropshire bred, there ain't no work so stay in bed.

Tim Wastling

Newtown, near Wem