Can you speak up please?
Gill George from the Shropshire Defend Our NHS group should not be surprised by Dr Julian Povey’s remarks regarding Future Fit consultation events.
Let me tell you what happened when we attended a meeting of this group on August 10, 2016, in the Shirehall.
We were seated in the council chamber with approximately 20 other interested members of the public. We were cordoned off like animals in a cage and told if we interrupted proceedings the meeting would be terminated.
Approximately 10 people from the CCG governing body, chaired by Dr Povey, sat in a semi circle at the front of the room, many feet away from the public. It became increasingly obvious that this arrogant group had a plan – ‘whisper so that we can’t be heard’.
Dr Povey and David Evans were particularly quietly spoken. Members of the public became increasingly frustrated until one lady stood up and asked the group if they could hear her. They replied that they could so she informed them that we could not hear them and implored them to speak up.
No change, so a little while later she asked again. Still no change, so in disgust we left the meeting.
On the way out we stopped at the reception desk and I spoke to the independent complaints advocacy service co-ordinator.
On September 9, 2016, I received a letter stating my complaint had been upheld.
There were two roving microphones, also desktop microphones and audio equipment available.
After my complaint the gentleman in charge of this equipment went to speak to the group and offered help. This was refused.
Until this point we had attended many Future Fit meetings, each time getting more frustrated and realising that here was a group of people to hold the public to ransom and to keep this party going along as long as possible at the public’s expense, and filling in their expense sheets accordingly.
They have no intention of listening to the public. These consultation meetings are merely a sham to boost their own egos and increase their wage bills.
Gwen Davies, Oswestry
GGC reply:
David Evans, chief officer at NHS Telford & Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), and Dr Julian Povey, clinical chair at NHS Shropshire CCG, said: “We are absolutely committed to listening to the views of local people. We have a programme of public events where people can drop in to speak face-to-face with doctors, nurses and our senior staff and ask any questions about Future Fit.”