Shropshire Star

Nine centuries of success and EU has destroyed Britain in 43 years

I am currently reading the Hutton, Getty ‘The British Millennium’.


I read the preface and took to it immediately. It read: “For almost 900 years, from 1066 to the mid-20th century, Britain enjoyed the freedom of being physically separated from the rest of Europe.

“The Channel was narrow enough to allow early trade with near neighbours, but wide enough to make it impossible for any army, no matter how strong, successfully to invade the British Isles, which remained inviolate and unplundered.

“The British fought on the seas, their invincible navy protecting and policing the trade routes of the world and playing major part in the establishment of the greatest Empire the world has ever known. Behind these ‘wooden walls’, as the old sailing ships were called, the British were able to steal a march on their closest rivals in political, industrial and agrarian development.”

Didn’t I always say that joining the EU was the worst deal in the history of the world?

For 900 years we managed by ourselves and made a massive and successful impact on the world – 43 years of membership of the failed and futile farce in Brussels and we are ruined financially, politically, industrially and nationally.

The EU was designed and built like a giant roundabout with no exits or destination except the formation of the United States of Europe. History, above, clearly indicates that we were never European or ever likely to be and that Brexit is the only solution to our now many problems.

The Brussels elite are acting like spoiled juveniles because of our decision, and are determined that suitable punishment is applied, unfortunately they are joined by the whinging Remainers over here who obviously wish to be over there!

It remains to be seen whether the NHS will be capable of supplying and fitting the many back-bone implants required on this island in the near future!

Bob Wydell, Oswestry