Lies, lies and more lies. Time to de-select these politicians
The letter from Jon Allen of Clunton entitled: “Democracy means we have the right to change our minds” is liberally spiced with the usual ‘Remainer’ whinging.
But it lacks any logic, fact, common-sense or even truth, his obvious aim is not to change his mind but to change mine and the majority who voted to Leave.
In British democracy any proposal that is decided by vote gives the entitlement of a re-count but not a re-election – it is a stupid and clearly unworkable idea - where would it end?
Jon accuse the Leavers of breaking the expenses limit but does not mention the £9 billion the government spent writing to every address in the land, illegally, (I believe), promoting a ‘Stay’ vote.
He mentions parts of the ‘Policy of Fear’ which have come true, I can verify none of them, my newspaper reports our economy to be better than most of Europe and the number in work here to be excellent.
Jon mentions ‘a seat at the table where the rules are made’ in Brussels again, he failed to mention the truth – the fact that since we did not qualify to join the euro we have not been allowed to attend any EU meeting that deal with the money!
The Policy of Fear was devised by politicians, George Osborne to be precise and what do politicians do best? They lie! They have lied constantly since the Brexit vote aiding and abetting the EU before their own country and people a disgraceful display by professional politicians and I hope that all involved will be de-selected at the next election.
Bob Wydell, Oswestry
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