European side has shown a contemptible Brexit attitude
The recent behaviour of the European negotiators in the talks to draw up a fair and equitable plan to satisfy both parties has merely highlighted the contemptible attitude with which the European side seem to parade during the entire Brexit discussions – a reason, I think more than ever, to sever relationships with this lot!

We should not be prepared to be vassals to Merkel, Tusk, Bonnier and Macron, who seem to think that anyone supporting Brexit are liars!
It is shameful that high ranking people in government have stood meekly by, while Theresa May has been ignored and insulted by the European lot. I know Iain Duncan Smith stood up and supported her, but how many of the so-called big hitters spoke up about her treatment? What a loyal shambles they are.
On the other side we have Jeremy Corbyn saying, after the referendum, that there was no way he would support a re-run referendum. Now he is hinting that he might use it as an option. What a hypocrite.
If there is to be another referendum (perish the thought), people, in the name of democracy, should turn out in force and give the architects of this plot a damn good electoral thrashing.
We should remember this disgusting behaviour the next time our MPs come up for selection at a general election.
An MP, whose constituency voted for Brexit, should support the view of his support, as I thought it was the job of our representatives to follow the wishes of his voters and to act on their decision. We shall see, in that event, where the MP’s loyalty belongs!
G L Duckett, Dawley
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