Shropshire Star

Article on potential Radbrook building needs reply

The report of September 24 on the proposals of a developer to build 51 houses on the Mousecroft Lane, Radbrook, requires this reply.


The developer stated that if they do not get the planning permission they may fence off the area to the public. Petulant childishness! ‘If we can’t have it we will prevent your access’.

The developers will be aware, in law, that 20-plus years’ access constitutes a right of way and the residents will exercise their rights.

Developers say anti-social behaviour and trespassing may force them to fence it off – the people of Radbrook should justifiably take exception to the slur foisted on them. There has been no damage to the existing wildlife habitats – a pure fabrication on the part of the developers. Likewise, their reference to health and safety concerns – another red herring or an invention with deceitful intent, according to my Oxford Dictionary.

Proposed highway improvements include carriageway widening, traffic calming and provision of a continuous footway. The whole extent of Mousecroft/Nobold Lane contains a number of pinch points which their proposals will do nothing to alleviate without even considering the environmental damage that would pertain.

Having dealt with the aforementioned article may I make further point. As a trained agriculturist of 60 years’ experience having lived, worked and walked the Weald of Sussex, the Sussex and Berkshire Downs, either side of Dartmoor, the Usk Valley and some 40 years in Shropshire/Powys with grassland my primary experience, the Mousecroft site is a rare, possibly unique example of unimproved lowland grassland.

I have never witnessed such an area elsewhere. It should be conserved in its entirety, even given ‘common’ status so that it can be appreciated in future.

Stuart Buxton, Shrewsbury

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