Shropshire Star

Form alliance and protect beloved NHS

The threat to close our A&E overnight in November is a threat that the hospital administration has been making for months because they can’t get the nurses and doctors to safely staff the A&E.


All I can say is that their HR recruitment team should be looking through the jobs pages. Recruitment to our neck of the woods shouldn’t be harder than finding staff in inner cities and other really hard sells!

The CQC inspectors imposed on SaTH (Shrewsbury and Telford Hospitals) an urgent enforcement order for unsafe procedures and there is a government inquiry into maternity care that is looking into 120 infant deaths from the year 2000.

So it would seem that our hospitals are not fit for purpose let alone fit for the future. SaTH bosses should be resigning in their droves. And yet we still have our democratically elected representatives, almost to a person, accepting that this whole discredited SaTH management and the CCGs have an effective plan in the form of the Future Fit remodelling solution that will provide safe and effective health provisions for the next 30-plus years, in complete denial of their incompetence.

When will our councils and MPs who profess only their utmost commitment to the NHS and their constituents, rise up, show some mettle, and create an alliance against this health model catastrophe?

Councillor Pat McCarthy, Telford and Wrekin Green Party

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