Disappointed by council’s lack of professionalism at meeting
I attended a Shropshire County Council planning committee meeting for the first time at Shirehall on September 25, as a member of the public. As such I should like to make the following comments:

If I was to deliver a lecture in a similar room, as a common courtesy I would first ask if people could hear me. I understand that the public are not allowed to comment during these planning meetings but the fact that they are there surely suggests that they should be able to hear.
I, and just about everyone that I spoke to said that they could hardly hear the speakers.
This to me shows a lack of respect, or indeed contempt for the people who have given up their time, some their work, to listen to the planning committee discuss an item of planning which they feel strongly about. I left the meeting feeling totally disappointed by the lack of professionalism that this disregard for the rights of the public displayed.
I would like to suggest that they:
a) Improve their microphone system.
b) Have a training session in how to use the microphone system.
c) Improve their attitude towards the public who are only there because they care for the county which they, the planning committee, supposedly represent.
Barbara Bates, Hopton Heath
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