Prospect of never ending referenda
This is a letter to Mr Bob Wydell, and Mr Paul Richards, both of whom have recently been published in the Shropshire Star regarding our old friend Brexit.
Mr Wydell, I know anything is possible with this Government, but the only way to leave the EU is with a ‘no deal Brexit’, something that I believe this Government is trying to avoid. If we do leave with a deal, then regardless of what that deal is, we will still be inextricably part of the EU, in some form or another, which is not quite the same thing as leaving!
To Mr Paul Richards, who apparently has the title ‘Best for Britain Spokesperson for the West Midlands’ (great title Paul) can you please advise me where you obtained the monopoly of the truth – I would quite like to share in it please – and can you also advise on how many referenda or ‘people’s votes’ are considered acceptable before the original PEOPLE’S VOTE is discounted? (Maastricht springs to mind here.) Or are we supposed to keep ignoring the original majority vote until we obtain the result you want!?
And following that ‘argument’, if there eventually was a vote to Remain, can you also explain why those who did vote to Leave, would be completely unjustified in their demands to hold yet another referendum, or ‘people’s vote’?
Mr D N Grant, Ludlow
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