Let’s celebrate our Lord and spread the word over the land
I recently finished a novel by one of my favourite fiction writers.
His many novels are listed in the book as are details of his life as a novelist. There is a prohibition on the reproduction of his novel without the publisher’s permission. I assume the details are true and that he really did write the novel.
The book of life is the name given by scientists to the DNA helix found in every living thing and yet very few attempt to name the author of this incredibly complex book.
It is both an instruction manual for the manufacture of living cells and the means by which these cells reproduce. Whilst none would claim that a novel, however brief, could write itself, the popular scientific view of DNA is that it just happened by chance, with no author!
Thankfully there are a growing number of scientists who are changing their thinking on this matter and accepting that DNA is written by the author of life itself, the God of the Bible who describes Himself as the Creator of heaven and earth, and all in it.
There is another Book of Life described in the last book of the Bible, and that is the Lamb’s Book of Life, and whilst DNA is essential for natural life, to be recorded in the Lamb’s Book of Life is essential for eternal life.
To be recorded in that Book a person needs to repent of their rebellion against God their Creator and trust in the saving work of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. His birth 2,000 years ago is probably the best recorded birth of any historical figure and His life and death by crucifixion followed by His resurrection on the third day and his subsequent ascension into heaven back to His Father is the greatest event in history and is marked by the change of dates from BC, Before Christ, to AD, Ano Domini, The year of the Lord, after Christ.
Apart from the written documentation of over five hundred witnesses to the resurrected Christ, there is the evidence of countless millions down the years who have trusted Christ with their lives and their futures from that day to this. The numbers continue to grow.
I commend Him to your readers and wish them a very Happy Christmas.
David Burton, Calverhall