Operation Fear continues with its half-truths and lies
Operation Fear by the Remoaners trying to persuade us that everything will be worse if we leave the EU continues with half-truths and complete lies.
Why do these people want us to stay in such a money-wasting, undemocratic, country-destroying evil organisation as the EU?
I really do not know.
In recent letters, one said to maintain peace in Europe – it is not the EU which has maintained peace but NATO (a non-EU organisation) and the EU, courting the Ukraine, caused the loss of Crimea and nearly caused a war with Russia.
Another said that Brits would not be able to travel around EU Europe – nonsense.
In the 1960s (pre-EU with all countries being independent) I travelled around Western Europe year after year. There was complete freedom, so no searches at borders and I could not even get the border guards to stamp my passport!
I was even offered a full-time job in France. Why should it be any different now?
Yet another complained of blocked ports and long queues of vehicles trying to clear customs.
I would point out that Felixstowe receives containers by the tens of thousands at the same time as enormous container ships arrive. There are no queues and urgent or short-life goods are fast tracked. And do not forget that the EU will want to continue to export to us.
Recently a man who had a bike factory in the Midlands explained his perceived problem on local TV. He imported five cycle parts from five different EU countries and wondered how he was going to get them after Brexit. I thought: ‘Why not make them in England and reduce our unemployment rate.’ This highlights yet another problem with the EU.
I am not saying everything will be hunky-dory if we leave without an agreement but problems are there to be solved and solved they all can be. Let us get on with it and leave. At least we will be £39b better off – that is quite a lot of £350m per week for the NHS.
One other thing, after Brexit we must never allow ourselves to be so reliant on other countries – especially for food.
Richard Camp, Wellington
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