Shropshire Star

Don’t complain if you have choices

Responding once again to the one-sided letter by Graham Burns may I remind him of the many choices within his easy reach! I appreciate he has health needs but so many others do!


To reverse his detailed journey just add another 15 to 20 miles from Shrewsbury to Telford – that is not right (self interest or what?).

Road systems to despair of and no obvious detours!

Having the joy of following my sick two-year-old grandson who was taken by my daughter to Telford (the designated hospital for the whole of Shropshire) worried and concerned, finding somewhere to park, where the letters were as large as the location telling me it was a no-smoking hospital, all dimly lit, finding the entrance in the dark, worried and concerned, greeted by nobody but an answer phone and having to find out where they were!

That’s what stress is.

He was treated well, but how much better it was at least half way, i.e. Shrewsbury.

Don’t dare complain when you have so many choices on your doorstep. Good job you weren’t on the Titanic – English this side, Welsh take care of yourselves.

By the way the last time I looked Oswestry was on the English side of the border but compassion knows no boundaries.

Chris Adams, West Felton

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