Tragic death reminds us all of the plight of the homeless
I was saddened to read of yet another young homeless person who has died over the Christmas period in Malvern; it’s such a sad waste of a young life, their future prospects destroyed once and for all.
What can be done about this seemingly escalating problem?
People become homeless for different reasons and it cannot be as I have heard so often from some people, that it is their choice to become homeless. It may be a choice for some as they have no alternative.
Many people have issues that are not being met. This could be for several reasons such as, divorce or separation, unemployment, not having a permanent address. All of this and more can lead to mental health which is much harder to overcome.
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People like me are generous in giving homeless people money and buying food, although this is welcome, to many homeless people it does not address the real issues in people’s lives.
This should be a wake up call to councils all over the country to put the money that is allocated by the government, to bring an end to the blight of homelessness for good.
Perhaps Shropshire Council will shelve the refurbishment of its council offices and spend the 24 million it is estimated to cost and build more sheltered accommodation for the homeless and those struggling to get on the property ladder?
Now there’s a sobering thought!
Pearl Dunbar, Shrewsbury
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