Fly-tippers lacking any common sense
I read about the ever increasing problem of littering/fly-tipping.
It seems to me that these days you have to set up a volunteer group to eradicate problems, which are caused by the tardiness of certain members of the public, and authorities, who, even though they are obviously doing their best, it appears that they seem to be fighting a losing battle.
To my mind, the obvious and most reasonable approach, as it was when I was a child, would be to tell youngsters, who by the way do not appear to be the main culprits as far as this ongoing problem is concerned, to make sure that, if they have any empty sweet wrappings, bottles, cans, etc, not to throw them willy nilly wherever they choose, but to bring them home and use wheelie/recycling bins.
What really annoys me though is to see the many motorists who open their car/lorry windows throwing out what they could quite easily dispose of at their local tip. Then of course there are those, who, using the local shops, dispose of cigarette packet wrappings, chip papers, cans, bottles, to name but a few.
For goodness sake, if adults can’t be relied upon to instil some form of tidiness and hygienic behaviour in themselves and their offspring then it is no wonder that we need good people like Sir David Attenborough to try and rectify what, after all, is a simple matter of people simply using their common sense, which, somehow appears to be sadly lacking with each passing generation.
Martin Eddies, Shrewsbury
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