Shropshire Star

What will threat level to democracy be?

In response to Mr Bob Wydell’s letter regarding the massive EU empire (March 14), rather ironically I sympathise with him.


I voted remain a long time ago, but I believe a second referendum or people’s vote will be even more divisive than the first, and I also believe we should have left the EU many moons ago, as that is what the majority voted for (June 2018 if my mathematics is correct).

The second irony is the greatest threat to Brexit is now represented by an imperial alliance that not even Carl Sagan could explain – that is between the Labour Party and the European Reform Group, perhaps the most ardent, vociferous, and vocal opponents of the European Union. These groups are threatening to derail the entire process completely.

“A longer extension (of Brexit) would mean a sustained period of uncertainty which I fear would do real damage to the public’s faith in politics and faith in democracy.” Not my quotation, but the words of David Lidington MP (March 14), who I believe is quite high up in government echelons.

If Brexit is finally killed off, then I will let you decide Mr Wydell on what the threat level to democracy will become!

Mr D N Grant, Ludlow

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