Surely it’s now time to take the no deal and let us all move on
There yet again seems to be uproar over nothing. People seem to forget it was David Cameron who gave us the vote and then hurriedly left, as he knew the fallout would be toxic.

The Brexit deal was negotiated for nearly two years by people who did such a bad job Theresa May had to take over.
By this time it was more than 90 per cent complete and the EU has not been prepared to change any of it since.
So it is not really her deal at all.
Parliament is in meltdown because whatever fantasy deal was put to them they will never get a majority to agree to it.
The fact a recent poll to not leave the EU has received four million votes was headline news. Put that into context though, 17 million voted to remain in the referendum and its hardly significant. The country voted to leave the EU and the Brexit deal does not deliver that.
The backstop (which the EU will not budge on) ties us to rules, regulations and red tape with absolutely no possible exit, unless the EU decide they want to.
Also, people don’t realise that even if we take the deal, it’s still not over. There are loads of details that still need to be finalised. Yet more negotiations!
Any delay is a useless waste of time. We have seen the EU is not moving on any of the important issues. So that just leaves a no-deal Brexit. It is the only option that lets us leave now. Job done!
But all we have heard for the last two years is that no deal is equal to Armageddon. It’s the millennium bug all over again (younger readers might want to Google it). We have been told security will be compromised.
I saw a televised interview with a local MP who said Nato would ignore us if we leave. He seemed to have forgotten the USA is a member of Nato and also not in the EU. A large proportion of intelligence comes out of Britain to Europe, and we also share relevant information with other countries not in Europe.
Forget all of the hype and mis-information, just take no deal and move on.
We have all had enough of Brexit and no deal is the only option that ends it all now.
A Smith, Telford
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