Shropshire Star

Shun the major parties in May’s local elections and they’ll listen

These are indeed strange times in which we live.


Who would have thought that the democratic will of the single largest exercise in democracy this nation has ever seen would be cast aside by a government, parliament and civil service who refuse to accept the referendum result?

The recent vote to delay Brexit became a Bill and potentially law when it passed by one vote.

It is odd that foreign billionaires, companies and British tax exiles are still funding the remain campaign that from the day after the referendum result refused to accept it. How is this allowed?

Why were Blair, Major and other fellow travellers allowed to have meetings with the EU without disclosing what was said? Why have the remain campaign retained all the personal data from the referendum when both sides were told to destroy it?

It is strange that MPs who are sticking to the commitments in both Conservative and Labour manifestos upon which they were elected are called rebels and the anti-democrats who wish to reverse the referendum result are allowed to do so with impunity.

So why is all this happening? We were told in the Government leaflet which went to every home that this was a decision for the voters and that the government would enact what we decided.

I can only conclude that this was a lie, the political elites and our masters only meant to do this if we voted remain. So what to do?

Firstly, write to your MP and demand they enact what was on the referendum ballot paper – no second referendum which includes remain as an option. Remain lost, remember.

Write to the press, and complain to Ofcom about the lack of impartial reporting.

But best of all come the May local elections do not lend your vote to Labour, the Liberal Democrats, the Conservatives or the Greens. Do not abstain, do not spoil ballot papers, vote for any other party or individual. Take away the power they hold, only then will these privileged elites listen to the people.

John Stretton, Albrighton

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