Sick of hearing about the good old days
As a child of the so called ‘baby boomers’ I have worked since I was 15 years old and had to wait an extra seven years for a pension.
When my husband died unexpectedly nine years ago I was told go to work or starve – the government took his works pension, leaving me with £6pw less tax, after two years this went down to three – l got no pension till I was 67 having worked 52 years!
Now I am constantly being told how ‘good’ pensioners have it – even my son, a history teacher, lectures me on the ‘good old days’ telling me how cheap everything was and how lucky we were – I’m sick of it!
Everything we’ve got we’ve earned.
The 70s were hell, not some happy land to remember, with the IRA and miners' strikes, blackouts and three-day weeks.
To make it out now that my generation is living on milk and honey while the present generation is hard done by is rubbish.
I lived in a house with a leaking roof, damp and mice in the bedroom – but my kids never ever went hungry, missed school or didn’t have clean clothes.
MPs say that elderly are rich and should contribute more – when we die off where will they get their money.
The Queen perhaps?
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