Huge projects need much more thought
Here we go again, massive projects – this one designed to help millions in London, through London via its bowels.
Yes, it’s overrun its completion date, it’s overrun its budget and will continue to do so. It’s the east/west underground.
The main cause? Signalling is not yet compatible with what exists.
Isn’t it about time that those preparing quotes for jobs, any job, really looked in depth at what is involved?
Surely compatible signalling should have been a major concern initially?
Time, real time, should be given both by those receiving the quotes and those preparing them, to each bring expertise to bear on checking every aspect of the quote.
Put in a precautionary time and cost-limited contingency allowance after which punitive costs would come into play. This needs to happen with HS2.
It’s a shambles, with so very many people, private, public and businesses adversely affected, with so little benefit proven to so few.
These are only two examples.
Mrs B A Flowers, Newport
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