Trouble on the way
It must be apparent to most people that there is little love lost between the councils of Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin and given the current plans of Shropshire Council it is not difficult to foresee plenty of trouble to come.
The county has already got plans in the pipeline to build acres of houses and factories in the M54 corridor on greenbelt land to accommodate Birmingham overspill and now is seeking to get another huge housing development approved on the site of the redundant power station at Ironbridge.
Shropshire will, of course, receive the benefit of government grants available for new housing and the revenue from local taxes imposed on the new residents and industries. Telford residents will receive nothing but the infrastructure connecting these developments.
Roads, schools, doctors and such like will be supplied by the nearest council and that will be Telford.
Telford won’t, of course, have to supply maternity and A&E facilities, they will be miles away at Shrewsbury.
Furthermore, Telford & Wrekin will have no say in who occupies the new homes and nasty, suspicious me suspects a lot of those selected won’t be the good tenants that Shropshire prefer to have around their townships.
Adrian Williams, Bratton
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