Shropshire Star

We must take back our control

When all has been dissected, pondered and fought over, what the referendum comes down to is just one simple word: “Control.”


1. We should control immigration, bringing in skills that are required but maintaining a watchful eye on numbers which should be agreed annually but subject to the flexibility of peripheral change should the need arise in the intervening period. Housing, health, infrastructure and other services necessary to support the number would be taken into account.

2. We must control our own laws. We have, ever since the creation of the Anglo Saxon kingdom, been the envy of other nations in our ability to set up machinery of governance. This enabled the Normans to take over an efficiently run state and in later centuries through revolution and civil wars we have evolved in a way that suits our Island Race. We have not adopted the Napoleonic code and nor should we.

We do not need laws imposed upon us by law makers from states with little idea of what we hold dear. We have given to the world, first by conquest and latterly by option a set of ideas and values which have been adopted by countries we have either created or influenced for the betterment of their people.

3. We must take back control of our ability to cut bespoke trade deals that suit the UK and not some hotch-potch that suits the many needs of the disparate EU grouping.

4. We must take back control of the direction of our future, must embrace new culture but must take to the path which our entire history has embedded in our DNA. We have had stable borders unlike the ever-changing ones in Europe and we know who we are.

5. We must control our own armed forces and foreign policy. We do not need the consensus of a few dozen countries to decide on matters of war and peace. We do not need to get acceptance of our policies towards other nations in the world.

6. We must control those we put in a position of power over us and not give them free rein to involve us in whatever they decide. Our form of democracy demands that should the nation wish a different form of government then it is for us to eject the old and bring in the new. We control who we wish to have at Westminster.

7. Finally and most importantly of all, we must take back control of the gross and ever increasing sum of British taxpayers money presently under the control of EU unelected bureaucrats who may allow us a discount if they so decide or allow us to spend some on projects that they find acceptable.

Furthermore, we in this country hold our rulers liable to account for such sums. Where is the accountability in the EU with its years of never producing accounts? Yes it is true that we do not send that sum to the EU but that is not the point. If it is beyond our control; it is no longer our money. How right were those 18th century Americans who taking up the ideas which we ourselves had originated and which were anathema to European Empires when they demanded:

“No taxation without representation!”

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