An unbelievable chain of events
Four years ago David Cameron had the bright idea that having a referendum on leaving the EU was a way of silencing the right-wing of the Tory Party.
He expected the country to vote “Remain” and so 20 years or more of the right-wing troublemaking, because they so much wanted to leave, would be sorted – brilliant!
That error of judgement set off a series of events in the Tory Party that one can hardly believe.
We constantly tell the rest of the world that our system of government is wonderful but consider the last three years.
David Cameron immediately “fell on his sword” before he lost his head and the Tory MPs anointed Queen May as leader. Being somewhat “over confident” she decided the country would give her a strong mandate to do as she wished and so called a general election.
That error of judgement led to an alliance with the DUP after a bribe of a billion pounds was agreed. Democracy had been in play but was creaking a bit.
There then followed three years of increasing arrogance and intrigue as conflict within the party reached a crescendo.
Finally the shadowy little group called the 1922 Committee, who really rule the roost, decided the queen must go. She resisted as much as she could but eventually they put her head on the block.
A plan is now afoot. A good number of Tory MPs, seeing that only eight per cent of the people supported their party in the EU election, have hit on a wheeze to cheer us up.
Why not anoint the court jester as king? The ordinary members of the party, who are 0.25 per cent of the population, now get to have their say while the remaining 99.75 per cent of us look on helplessly. Hardly democratic!
But surely King Boris will be good fun and come on – his proven incompetence doesn’t really matter does it?
This is the point the Tory Party has brought us to – hardly a shining example to the world – and very worrying indeed for those who live here.
Frank Oldaker, Shrewsbury
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