Shropshire Star

Prophecies need to be more specific before they become valid

I look forward to Ron Jones’ letters. His latest has some compelling arguments.


He starts with the assertion that anyone who disagrees with him is not very bright forgetting, perhaps, other people being slow on the uptake has no bearing on the validity of your own argument.

My rebuttal would be along the lines that my dad is bigger than your dad. Next, he uses the fine balance and perfection of the universe as proof that ‘God did it’.

I’m not sure he has thought this through. Nature seeks balance and equilibrium.

It is a characteristic of nature that patterns form, snowflakes for example.

All the heavenly bodies are formed into spheres, by gravity and natural forces.

If the supernatural held sway then we would see, perhaps, the sun and planets static in space, fixed in place like the bible states, then science would struggle to explain the suspension of natural laws.

Science has not ‘done away with God’, science has nothing to say about the supernatural.

If you can’t detect it and it has no effect on the natural world then you can’t measure it or even define it, never mind ascribe a gender to it and claim it watches you 24/7.

What science has done is give reasoned naturalistic explanations and contradicted many of the bible’s teachings, pushing God and theistic teachings into ever smaller margins.

We no longer search out and kill witches and we know demons do not cause mental illness and epilepsy.

Finally, prophesies. For a prophesy to be valid it needs to be specific about the event and the time of the event.

The return of the Jews to Israel, give or take 2,000 years and no mention of the Holocaust, is not good enough!

Ezekiel foretold the destruction of Tyre by Nebuchadnezzar, which never happened.

Even the prophesy of the coming of Ron’s saviour got the name wrong.

It should have been Emmanuel, so how did Jesus get the gig?

Ron Collins, Telford

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