Shropshire Star

We’re being gagged by suspension of Parliament

The so-called proroguing of our Parliament or in other words its suspension for a number of days by our Prime Minister is nothing less than a stab in the back for our democracy.

Boris Johnson

Our Parliament – the mother of all parliaments, towards which every other developing nation looks for guidance and is the envy of the world – the thought that it has been closed, to stop a political debate is nothing short of a gagging order on the voice of the people.

One of the main reasons given in the lead-up to the 2016 referendum for leaving was to bring back our sovereignty to our parliament and this is now being strangled by the very people who were championing the Brexit cause.

Even Sir John Major, an ex-Conservative Prime Minster, someone who knows a thing or two about our Parliamentary system and its protocols, is outraged.

Aside from whatever lies on the other side of this strange scenario, our Prime Minster Boris Johnson, will always be remembered for this. The people of his country will never forgive him or his Conservative party for this dictatorial abuse of process which was designed to protect the government in exceptional circumstances or in a state of emergency. It was never intended to be used as a tool to lock out the people from a debate on the most important decision in the history of our country.

Future historians will always refer to this as a grotesque abuse of the democratic process and the future tin-pot dictators around the world will always be citing this as an example of their treachery when clinging on to their power – that their action was to save their country and their democracy.

Our Prime Minster has pushed our democracy and the future of our country over the cliff. We the people are being frog marched into an uncharted territory. We must stand up and challenge this.

Councillor Kuldip Sahota, Ketley

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