Wake up Labour voters and don’t vote for them
Wake up, wake up potential Labour voters and smell what you are about to step into by voting for a McCluskey/Momentum-led government.
The utter incompetence, ineptitude and left wing lunacy displayed even before the Labour conference had started should make potential Labour voters want to go and lie down in a dark room for a while and remember what a proper Labour government under Clement Attlee achieved.
As I write they cannot even make up their minds what they think of Europe.
We here at the Common Sense Party, the CSP putting the UK first, would welcome Labour voters if they could stomach putting the UK first, instead of trying to dry the tears of the world at our expense.
Any McCluskey/Momentum government would immediately shut our embassy in Israel and open two new ones in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. To also help the Palestinians they would arrange for a specially rewritten version of The Mouse Trap to tour the area.
As soon as Argentina has a left wing government the Falklands would be given away.
Every left wing government would be supported regardless of the affect it would have on our current allies or trade. Every refugee crisis would be greeted with an open door policy. thereby lumbering the schools with non-English speaking pupils and swamping the NHS.
We at the CSP would stop all overseas aid and divert half the money to the NHS.
How has a once great party, that helped shape the UK after the Second World War, descended into such an abyss?
Peter Steggles, Rushbury
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