Pothole work still in progress
Here is a direct open letter to Shropshire Council in that I am not going to get my hopes up for a reply any time soon because all other direct lines of contact have seemingly dried up, with no replies or action.
Here in Shifnal like lots of other towns and villages we have our problems, the one that I am concerned about is the state of the roads in and around the town. I normally drive or walk through the area and on occasions cycle. Besides potholes there are open cracks like open wounds running for metres from Park Street right through the town in places up to Broadway and beyond going out of Shifnal in all directions.
If you get your cycle wheel caught in one of them, well you can guess what would likely happen. I swerve on my cycle to avoid them which then leaves me open to possibly getting knocked off my bike.
I am fed up with reporting this damage to Shropshire Council and Shifnal Town Council till I am blue in the face.
See also:
How can SC explain why they are not attending to and repairing the road instead of any pothole repairs which last five minutes. Why they can spend thousands on pounds on the relief road and other projects in and around Shrewsbury when they cannot spend some money and time in and around Shifnal please?
Is this the town that time and SC forgot perhaps? Let’s hope that no one gets hurt or, more seriously, killed as a direct cause of one of these pieces of damage sections of road. Because I feel that is what it would take before someone in the offices of SC get up of their bottoms and take some action.
I and lots of other people are totally fed up that we pay our council tax, some of us take the time out to report problems while others attend meetings - and for what? Nothing ever gets done.
Ken Poole, Shifnal
Council reply:
A spokesperson at Shropshire Council said: “An innovative new way of repairing potholes more quickly, quietly and effectively is currently being rolled out on urban roads across the county – including Shifnal. The work is carried out overnight – helping to minimise disruption to residents, businesses and road users. Its focus is to repair a large number of potholes, and up to 40 can be repaired each night – the current rate is around 20 per week. The process provides a longer-lasting, smoother, neater finish compared to traditional pothole repairs.”
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