Shropshire Star

An election will not solve Brexit logjam without other means

We are in a Brexit logjam and it looks like we are heading for a general election; but a general election is not the way to sort out Brexit.


The country is divided between leavers and remainers, and it is also divided between left and right. But these two divisions do not line up with each other.

Not all Conservatives want Brexit and not all Labour voters want to remain in the EU.

So in a general election these voters will have a conflict of interest between their views on Brexit and their political views, and are likely to feel disenfranchised one way or the other.

The only way around this is to separate Brexit from the rest of politics in this country, so that people can vote separately to leave or remain in the EU, and also to decide on our future Government.

This could be achieved by having a binding referendum on the Brexit deal that is on the table first, and then a general election.

However, this simple solution doesn’t seem to appeal to our political masters, who are most interested in gaining or retaining power, or to many leave voters, who fear that they may find themselves in a minority.

I understand the arguments on both sides but I feel that we are all being “played” in a high-stakes game, and we need to bring that game to a close in a way that everyone sees as fair.

Robert Monro, Whitchurch

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