Do we really need more roads to be built in the town?
Is the Shrewsbury North West Road really necessary so the town can grow?
Lots of houses have been built in the last few years but much of that has been playing catch up after the lull caused by the 2008 crash, so how quickly is Shrewsbury actually growing?
The figures average at 400 houses per year, or less than one per cent of the current stock.
Some of these are meant to be allowing for families that don’t have their own place at the moment and for the splitting up of existing households.
Therefore the growth in population will be much less than one per cent. If you then take into account that young people are learning to drive later and are less likely to own a car than their parents and increasing awareness of climate change, then it appears the growth in traffic would be even less than that.
It shouldn’t be difficult to find ways of developing the town so that it can grow without leading to any increase in traffic, by helping the rest of us to drive just a little bit less, putting the houses where they can easily be served by public transport and spreading them around the town.
Then we wouldn’t need to spend £25 million plus out of precious local funds or despoil some of the best countryside we have.
Dave Green, Shrewsbury
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