It’s time to stop the cruel practice of animal exports
The death of the people in that lorry was a terrible tragedy. It makes you stop and think, what a horrible way to die.
However, nobody stops to think about the poor animals enduring the same fate week after week on the same journey across the channel. Farmers call it live export, a better term would be ‘death export’.
These animals are anonymous and voiceless and that is why this terrible suffering is not heard about. I like to think we are a nation of animal lovers, surely we should listen to the animals and stop this terrible trade?
Those spring lambs who gave you such joy gambolling in the Shropshire field are destined for this same terrible journey. It is a journey of horrendous suffering, only to be finished off in a slaughter house.
Please give these animals a voice and show that you care.
Susan Balley, Telford
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