Shropshire Star

No evidence Trump wants to take over part of the NHS

Mr Cliff (Letters, November 7) states “Mr Trump has made it abundantly clear that he would like to place our NHS into the hands of American conglomerates”, this is despite Mr John McDonnell the shadow chancellor stating in an interview on the Andrew Marr show on the 3 November that there was no evidence to support this claim.

Donald Trump

This inflammatory claim has also been denied by both Mr Trump and Mr Johnson.

It’s clearly an attempt by a Labour supporter to try to discredit the Tories. If Mr Cliff has real evidence then I for one would be keen to see it. If he cannot provide it I must assume he is just repeating unsupported scaremongering.

The only thing I agree with Mr Cliff on is that Mr Trump should not have made any statements about our general election.

It has also now clear that an unholy trinity has emerged, Mr Corbyn, Ms Swinson and Ms Sturgeon with Mr Corbyn promising Ms Sturgeon another referendum on Scottish independence and also promising Ms Swinson another referendum on Brexit after his Labour government have renegotiated the Brexit deal which they will then vote against.

How can a Labour government renegotiate a new better Brexit deal when the EU negotiators know that the British negotiators have no interest in negotiating a good deal for the UK? Could it be that Mr Cliff is trying to move the General Election debate away from Brexit and on to the NHS, even if the Labour Party’s claims about the Tories’ NHS policy are completely untrue?

Finally I must take issue with Mr Cliff for bringing Grenfell Tower into a political debate without making any point, this truly horrific issue should not be used as a political football.

Colin Anderson, Donnington

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