Shropshire Star

Party should look inwardly for blame

Which party relinquished its responsibilities, calling for a referendum that eventually led to the crisis we are now experiencing?

Boris Johnson

Which party with a new leader spent three years achieving absolutely nothing, costing us billions and bribed the DUP with a further billion to retain power? The attempts to make a good deal were roundly rejected by Parliament by record margins.

Which party gave a shipping contract to a company with no ships in case of a no deal? Which party has left us with massive Brexit induced costs of over £70 billion and counting? Is this efficient management of the economy?

To cap it all we’ve ended up with an inveterate bender of the truth with a team that has left us seriously up a financial creek with no paddle.

Perhaps the Tory party should look inwardly instead of outwardly for someone else to blame.

Rod Shaw, Shrewsbury

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